
Time for an update

The original founders of LBPC908 have moved on to northern pickleball courts where winter play is inside and outdoor play is found on 14 permanent courts. That means the social media set up under the name LBPC908 is no longer active. This includes this webpage along with the Facebook page and group. The WhatsApp is still active, however.

If you message us at the email link at the bottom of the webpage, or sign up for the mailing list, or send a FB message, be aware that you might not get a response. This will be the status until someone in the group decides to continue to update and monitor our social media.    

Somerset is proud of its wonderful, welcoming, and wholesome pickleball players gracing its courts. Join us!                                                                       6.30.24

Where Everyone Knows Your Name

Tee shirts are here! Many of you have been asking for a tee shirt to show your love of LBPC @ Somerset Park. In honor of our 2nd anniversary of play at Somerset, you can now order tee shirts from Custom Ink

There is selection of shirts, colors, and sizes available including a sweatshirt and long sleeved SPF 50 shirt for those wanting extra sun protection. Place your order through Custom Ink and choose to pay for delivery or have it delivered with others for free. 

Orders have closed.                                                                                                 6.28.23

Respect is the Name of the Game

With eight dual striped courts now online, it's important for picklers to remember to be RESPECTful. Not, that you aren't. But, we don't want to burn any bridges, do we?  

Since we can have quite a few people out on the courts during certain times, please be courteous of neighbors and park along Carson (both sides), and Walnut, Marshall, and Gundry on the park side of the street. This will ensure neighbors have visibility and allow them to easily come and go from their driveways. 

On court, some people don't like to play with those who love to smash it. So, ease up when they are on the opposing side. The game will be over soon, and then smashers can move on to play with other smashers and make those mashed pickles!

Of course, good sportsmanship, is a no brainer. Let's keep it that way. No sulking, no arguing, no shuffling paddles deviously, no drama, be fair. It's a recreational game not a $1,000,000,000 match. Now, #paddlesup!                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4.14.23

Pickleball is Here to Stay! 

City councilmember Megan Kerr and former councilmember Stacy Mungo recently visited the newly resurfaced and striped courts at Somerset Park. 

Not only do we have new courts, but we also have new balls, a new net (now, there's a story), a new first aid kit (another story), and a new logo! Spring is definitely in the air!

Here's the story: Interestingly enough, we are missing our first aid kit - a collection of bandages, sanitizing wipes, ice packs, etc. which were contained in a red tote. On top of that, two frame pieces from two different nets are missing. How does this happen? Someone takes a frame piece (hmm, this might help me with the coyotes) and walks away? So, be on the lookout and if you find either the frame pieces or the first aid kit, please return; we'll ask no questions.                                                                        3.31.23

Courts coming to 90807!

Our pleas have been heard and Somerset Park is soon to be resurfaced with new tennis and pickleball court lines laid down. Plans call for eight pickleball courts to be overlaid on the two tennis courts starting sometime in late February. Rain delays might occur, but let's keep our fingers crossed it happens sooner rather than later.

A storage box has been installed for our use thus freeing up our car trunks from hauling nets, tape, balls, brooms, and more between our houses and the courts. You can imagine our excitement when we were finally able to clean out our vehicles!

There's also talk of establishing dual-striped courts at Cherry Park. Both Cherry and Somerset parks have lights which offers the opportunity for night play. Somerset Park is usually scheduled for city tennis lessons at night during the week, but Cherry should be open. Once courts are striped, it could be pretty easy to get some evening play going. Interested?                                                                                             1.23.23

Read All About It!

A new edition of The Pickalilli is out! This end-of-year newsletter shares news on the crazy success of Somerset play and how the city is responding to city-wide pickleball activity. Page 2 highlights the impressive numbers we reached in 2022 along with details about the club's finances. 

It takes money to make money and you'll see that in the numbers for our FUNraising efforts. Thanks to our individual and local business donors for making Pickleween and the Wine Tasting events to remember. We couldn't do this without you!

You can access the Jan 2023 newsletter by clicking on the image.


Can you come out and play?

Courts will be set up at Somerset on Christmas and New Year's Eve mornings beginning at 9:00. Burn your calories before your holiday feasts begin!  See you on the courts! #paddlesup

Let's Say Thanks & Play

Courts at Somerset will be set up for play on Thanksgiving morning. Play starting at 9:00. Let's burn some calories team!

The Election is Over

The election is over and on the pickleball front there is some good news for Houghton Park located in District 9. The new District 9 councilmember, Joni Ricks-Oddie, attended our November First Friday clinic and it looks like we'll see her on the court again! She is all about facility utilization and as the Houghton Park pickleball group grows and shows the need for court striping, I believe we can rely on her support. 

In council district 5, where Somerset is located, newly elected councilmember Megan Kerr had previously expressed support for pickleball courts. Hopefully, she can move city processes along in the effort to repair and convert Somerset courts. 

It is uncertain how the soon-to-be mayor Rex Richardson will support pickleball in Long Beach. He was not a supporter of courts at Houghton Park, so only time will tell. In the long run his support may not be important as he does not have a vote on the council. 

Pickleball is finally making its presence known in Long Beach. Afternoon play has just opened at Billie Jean King Tennis Center and El Dorado Park will be striping courts soon. Plans are in the works for a dedicated eight court facility at Marina Vista Park which now has eight courts overlaid on tennis courts. With a new mayor and new council members taking their seats we need to continue to advocate for pickleball facilities on the west and north sides of Long Beach.                              11.15.22

Pickleball Strong @ the 5th District Candidate Debate 10/6/22 

The 5th district council seat is up for grabs this November and that means all progress towards getting pickleball courts in the district might stall. The elected candidate will, most likely, take time to get their feet wet before making any large improvements to district parks. So, now is a great time to introduce candidates to our local, active pickleball community and the issues surrounding the lack of courts and court conditions. 

A coalition of neighborhood associations will meet at the Expo Arts Building on Thursday evening, Oct. 6, to hear from Megan Kerr and Ian Patton, the candidates for the Fifth District City Council seat. There will be a meet-and-greet at 6:30 p.m., with the debate starting at 7 p.m.

Although questions will come from a committee of board members from the Bixby Knolls Neighborhood Association, California Heights Neighborhood Association and Los Cerritos Neighborhood Association, that doesn't mean you can't speak to the candidates about pickleball berfore or after the debate. If you can make it out this Thursday to meet the candidates, please talk up pickleball! Megan Kerr has stopped by Somerset and Ian Patton has actually played with us!

The Expo building is at 4321 Atlantic Ave.                10.1.22

Behind the scenes and the LBPC Somerset Coalition     

When not actively pickling, dinking, smashing, or chatting I've been working behind the scenes to get LB to recognize and provide for the growing LBPC at Somerset and Houghton Parks. This week alone, I have emailed and met with city councilmembers and the director of Parks, Recreation, and Marine (PRM), a former LB Parks Commissioner, a Partners of Parks member, a leader of another local pickleball group, and a former LB USA Pickleball Ambassador. I've also attended the PRM Pickleball Advisory Committee meeting. Not my idea of retirement, I really just want to bring my paddle and play! But, I am proud to announce that after a year of advocating for Somerset pickleball, things are moving forward. Slowly, true, but forward. 

Striping of Somerset courts with pickleball lines are now top priority with PRM. I am told court lines will be striped as an interim measure until full court renovations and repairs can be made (yea, the cracked court will be repaired!). The double gate should be unlocked soon allowing us to wait to play on the grass away from the action on the courts. And, we might even have a place to store our equipment to alleviate the twice-weekly luggage some of us haul from home to car to court and back again. 

Although this is the most recent LBC update, I still have my fingers crossed. Now's the time to build the LBPC Somerset Coalition or Houghton Coalition, so if this is only a pacifying ploy by city officials, we will be ready to raise our collective voices when the time comes. Please, email lbpc908 @ gmail to share your interest in advocating for LBPC at Somerset or Houghton Parks.           9.30.22